In memory of Neil Williamson and in support of the Motor Neurone Disease Association.
Hello Golfers!
On Saturday, 30th May 80 plus golfers made their way to the beautiful El Paraiso Golf Course and merrily thrashed and hacked their way around, yes of course, I refer to the 7th Spence Clarke & Co. Annual Charity Golf Day held in support of the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

For all the grown up golfing details of the day please go here.
Mike and Lina Zelly together with Alan Jewett and Wendy Warren were the champions on the day! With runners up being John Brown, Steve Steggs and Jack the Hat!
Well done both teams.
As usual the day received huge support not only from the players but from the sponsors too, with fabulous prizes being donated for both the raffle and Auction. Thanks are due to the wonderful El Paraiso team, the course looked wonderful, the catering crew did an amazing job, the BBQ lunch being the best ever. In fact, from the comments received and my own personal opinion, it would be true to say that our 7th event was the best yet, so thank you David and all your guys at El Paraiso. Huge thanks too, to the marvellous Giles Brown from Talk Radio Europe, his auctioneering skills and witty banter, again proving beyond compare, thanks Giles you did a fabulous job.
Thanks must also go to our own Spence Clarke staff, who, as usual, gave up their free time to help run the day and make it the success it was. You all did a great job guys, thank you very much. Thanks to Thomas and Charis our photographers, flown in especially for the occasion, as you will see they have produced some fabulous shots. Thanks also to IT guru David Friend, for all his help with the various, very eye catching, flyers and posters.
Thanks to Mark Bruce and Shuj Datoo, that infamous pair from Golf the Costa, for yet again being great event organisers and, as usual, unstinting in their effort and commitment to the day. Also thanks to Mark’s gorgeous daughter, L.J., for all her help, it really was greatly appreciated L.J.
Huge thanks to all our sponsors and general donators. I will be placing our usual ‘thank you’ advert in the beautiful glossy and ever supporting, Essential Magazine. As usual, your generosity was quite overwhelming.
Basically, a huge thank you to everyone involved, not just for raising an amazing 9,227.03 Euro for the Charity but for making the day a really fun filled (if one forgets the golfing ability of some of us…) brilliant day!
A particularly special thank you must go to Chris Warren of Renson Management and Alistair Spence Clarke of, well that’s pretty obvious really… an attempt to push up the total amount raised, Alistair volunteered to be set against Shuj, who didn’t quite volunteer but went for it anyway!, for an Ice Bucket Challenge, Alistair was the ‘winner’, mmmh not sure that is quite the word. I feel I must own up and state that his ‘winning’ was in no small way aided and abetted by my good self, well it was for Charity……Chris was the lucky guy selected to be the Ice Bucket thrower and, as mentioned Alistair was the Ice Bucket receiver, check out the photos, they really are brilliant. Thanks to all three of you, your good sportsmanship, raised over 300 Euros!!
I should report that Alistair is still drying out and hopes to be back up to speed during the coming week!
As you all know, the day is held in memory of Neil Williamson, who sadly became a victim of this awful disease. Derek, Neil’s father, is the reason we started this event. Derek holds an annual golfing day in the UK in support of the charity and he tells me that this year, our two events have, during the last 7 years, raised in excess of 100,000 pounds sterling for the Charity! How amazing is that! We should all feel very proud of ourselves for this, what an achievement!
Golfingly yours and looking forward to the 8th!
Susan J. Spence Clarke
Spence Clarke & Co.