
1.6 Million Companies fail to file annual accounts each year in Spain with no consequences

Its hard to credit this but a recent report in an online newspaper exposes the parlous state of Spain’s compliance with EU rules (and its own laws) on company accounts filings. It seems that 2/3rds of Spanish companies completely ignore the regulations and they do so evidently with complete impunity. The annual accounts, or more … Read more

The law in Andalucía to regulate holiday letting

A new law was passed on 3/2/2016 to force landlords in Andalucia to register properties used for holiday letting. The fines for ignoring this law are truly draconian with a minimum of 18,000€ and maximum of 150,000€. An estimated 400,000 properties in Andalucia will be affected. This law has been several years in coming and … Read more

Paying Company directors what they are worth

The dubious sight of well-paid businesspeople walking away from soon to be bankrupt companies—but not before pocketing millions of Euros (in some cases hundreds of millions of Euros)—rightly raised a stink, particularly with those less fortunate employees who lost their jobs and shareholders who lost their money. It was even more unedifying when directors at … Read more

Property owning companies: Don’t trust the bar stool experts!

Those of you who have lived in Spain for many years will probably have been regaled in the past with tales of how people had managed to escape tax liabilities by buying their properties through ‘holding companies’. In fact such ‘bar stool experts’ offering dubious advice still exist—although it is highly doubtful that they are … Read more