An official Guinness World Record Beetle Drive Challenge took place at the Palacio de Congresos in Marbella on Saturday, 20th October, 2018.
Spence Clarke & Co., were honoured to be the main sponsors of this unique event, which was organised by the Rotary Club of Marbella and Guadalmina. Whilst achieving the challenge, the aim was also to raise funds for the Asociación de Familiares de Enfermos de Alzheimer’s (AFA), the Marbella-based organisation that supports Alzheimer’s sufferers and their families.
The amount raised was €9,500

The game of beetle is a traditional British party game based on random rolls of a dice. Each number rolled refers to a specific beetle body part. The game is played in groups of four and the first player to complete their beetle wins. The winner of each group then moves to the next table. The drive consists of three rounds and the overall winner will receive the Golden Beetle Drive award.
The current World Record is 256 players, but we certainly surpassed this with the amazing number of 312 people all playing beetle at the same time.