End of year accounts review and tax planning for smaller businesses
Guidance for small business owners to help understand their accounts and avoid expensive mistakes and a few tax planning tips.
Guidance for small business owners to help understand their accounts and avoid expensive mistakes and a few tax planning tips.
The filing of annual accounts for companies is an often ignored obligation but company directors could easily suffer the slings and arrows of creditors and the authorities
Its hard to credit this but a recent report in an online newspaper exposes the parlous state of Spain’s compliance with EU rules (and its own laws) on company accounts filings. It seems that 2/3rds of Spanish companies completely ignore the regulations and they do so evidently with complete impunity. The annual accounts, or more … Read more
There is much in the news today about various firms of auditors being appointed to analyse the real bad debt situation that has caused the banking crisis. As a small scale Spanish auditor myself, I can’t help think that something has gone seriously wrong in the audit profession in Spain and it amazes me that … Read more