Spain abuses Beckham Scheme users
Spain’s tax inspectors accused of being unreasonable and abusive towards Beckham Law beneficiaries in an advertisement published in the Financial Times of the UK. An action group is being organised.
Spain’s tax inspectors accused of being unreasonable and abusive towards Beckham Law beneficiaries in an advertisement published in the Financial Times of the UK. An action group is being organised.
The holiday rental obligations explained in detail
Accidents when travelling to work are usually treated as work related accidents. In this case even a 44 km cycle commute was ruled a work related accident.
A brief article on UK families moving to Spain for the private eductation of their children, now that the Labour Government is attacking private education
A personal account of dealing with the UK tax office compared to Spain.
Spain is introducing new measures to help with business creation
This highly politically motivated duplicate tax has already resulted in legal actions against the Government and general chaos for those concerned about tax planning for the wealthy in Spain.
Wealth tax is a political football and central Government is determined to keep it in play, regardless of how little money it raises, such is the state of Spanish politics
The differences between the way that gift tax works in the different regions of Spainis becoming ever more absurd each year
The Spanish tax office is making extensive use of Big Data to track down tax avoiders, ad is having considerable success.